Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Inspiration: Music

One of the most influential sources of inspiration can be found in music. Not only does music affect my personality, it also helps to define my fashion sense. Here's an example of how music has shaped my sense of style. Besides, it's an excuse to share with you all music that I can't get enough of (at least for the time being). Check out the tunes: (Ankle Injuries is a good place to start) And now here's a shirt I think goes well with the sound . . . paired with some metallic and purple leggings would make this look complete!

Tunic: Wet Seal ($17.50)

Hooray for the 80s comeback!!! (Although the oversized shoulder pads can stay in the past.) I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those little plastic t-shirt rings or some slap bracelets, remember those?


Vintage Bunny said...

I loove that t-shirt!Its 80' s yet so modern

sassy, sexy, sixty said...

Vintage bunny, I have 20 plastic t-shirt rings from the "old days" - 7 black round, 7 rectangular lilac, 3 diamond purple, 1 round hot pink, 1 yellow antiqued with gold and 1 sea shell. You may have them for the cost of S&H. Let me know

Anonymous said...

Great work.