Go-go Boots and Belt: Forever 21
Tights: Clarie's via ebay
Extra Long Tunic: Target
Necklace and Blue Cardigan: Wet Seal
A fashion journey of self-discovery, reflection and knowledge
Go-go Boots and Belt: Forever 21
Tights: Clarie's via ebay
Extra Long Tunic: Target
Necklace and Blue Cardigan: Wet Seal
I figure its about time I make a prediction for this season's winner. So far I think Victorya has been the most consistent at creating wearable and classic clothing. (I'm going to try and swing by Steve and Barry's today to see if I can pick up her winning dress from last week.) Although I think anything can happen in this competition, the other designers better keep their eye on her!
><><><><><><><><(photos from projectrunway.com and bravotv.com)
Above: Silver Jumper $29.99 Right: Barn Red Dress, $59.99 (I LOVE the color and the peter pan collar)
Dress: Forever 21
Tights and Ballet Flats: Old Navy
Dress: Wet Seal
Tights: Claire's via ebay
Shoes: Old Navy
My partner and I are going to dinner tonight, and if I don't recycle this outfit for the dinner date, I'll definitely show off any new duds I decide to put on.
There were several pieces this week that I would definitely go out of my way to pick up. Even though I think Elisa is crazy, her outfit this week should have won (spit stains and all):
Not only are these fabrics luxurious looking, the proportions on the cape are killer. I have been looking to buy a vintage cape, but those I have come across are much too long (ending around my hips) and end up resembling a poncho and not a cape. I would snatch this cape up in a heartbeat!
I also love this retro jacket. I think its fun, quirky and eye catching. I think the judges missed the mark on this one. And although I wouldn't pair it with a dress, I still want to rock it!
I'm not sure how long Christian (one of the designers of this jacket) will make it in the competition. I think his youth and more importantly his inexperience, will be his downfall, but for those interested in 80s inspired retro wear, Christian is the designer to watch.
And while I think the cape/dress combo should have won, Victorya and Kevin's dress is flirty and sophisticated. And while the colors in the vest compliment the dress, I don't like the vest paired with this dress. First, I think the structured design of the vest contrasts with the fluid design of the dress. Even though the designers had to create a two piece ensemble, I think this dress could have stood alone.
A freelance costume designer based in NYC, this purple showstopper should have won the first challenge:
P.S.--This bitch, Elisa, is crazy. Anyone who intentionally puts grass stains on chiffon should have his/her head examined. My prediction she'll be kicked off very soon. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for free-spirited thinking and inspiration, it's just that you have to ground yourself at some point or risk being stuck in the clouds.
Wet Seal for $24.50
Basically, I'm not sure how the shoe above could ever look as good as the one below (ignoring the expensive price tag). So, why not just stick to plain ole oxfords and keep the ankle boots looking like boots?!
And even though I may not have come to a decision about whether or not oxfords should have heels, this trend has inspired me to finally get a pair of oxfords for myself. While the conservative voice in my head says, "FE why don't you buy a black pair since they're so versatile," the compulsive shopper screams, "but these vintage red ones are so cute with the red ribbon laces!" And once again, I fall victim to my shopping habits.
Tunic: Wet Seal ($17.50)
Hooray for the 80s comeback!!! (Although the oversized shoulder pads can stay in the past.) I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those little plastic t-shirt rings or some slap bracelets, remember those?
And here's a close-up of the tights, to showcase the feminine floral pattern (pardon the mess on the floor):
Dress: Forever 21 Necklace: Wet Seal Bracelets: Wet Seal Ankle Boots: Gift from the hubby